GEO Map Data

With our GEO Map Viewer application you can view detailed maps of locations all over the world. We use OpenStreetMap data hosted on Linux servers to produce live and static map stores.

Our GEO Map Viewer application can access online map stores such as OpenStreeMap, Googgle Maps,  Mapquest, etc. or a snaphot of an area of the world stored on your desktop. 

With our map tile server we can produce static map stores of a country, state or city. 

GEO Map Viewer with OpenStreetMap

OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.

View online and static map stores

With our GEO Map Viewer application you can view online map stores or a snap shot of detailed map data hosted on a local machine as a static map store.  We use OpenStreetMap data hosted on Linux servers. See for more information. 

Vector map data

With Our GEO Map Viewer application you can view GIS data as layers over the top of the map tiles. You can view lines, points and polygons and the related attribution.  
Supported database systems:
Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL.

GPS connectivity

The GEO Map Viewer provides the option for GPS connectivity via USB ports.   Receive live feedback such as speed, latitude, longitude, altitude, distance traveled, etc..